MTS has authorized Nautical Inspectors to carry out Flag state Inspection for Marshall Island Flag vessels to assist them in carrying out safety inspections on board Ml Flag vessels.
MTS has authorized Nautical Inspectors to carry out Flag state Inspection for Marshall Island Flag vessels to assist them in carrying out safety inspections on board Ml Flag vessels.
Following the National Wetland Conservation Programme (NWCP) of the Ramsar Convention – is about protecting the nutrient plants and animals, including aquatic beings with the support of Environment Friendly Technologies, linking up with the like-minded people; thus creating a Socio-Economic and Health Sustainability for a Better Environment, we at Matprop has pledged our time and effort to translate this into a sustainable project.
Water Resource Restoration demands coordinated development and management of water, land and related resources, with a comprehensive action plan even before any sort of intervention. Generating the rich picture having river health at its core, future oriented methodology and technology driven intervention has to play a critical role in the success of its outcome.
Cleaning up of our water bodies which are highly polluted with degradable and non degradable wastes, weeds, floating debris and silt is an audacious and humongous task. Solid waste collection, depth restoration, wetland creation, riverbank enforcement and flood mitigation demand equipment’s designed exclusively for lakes, canals, rivers and waterways management. Today, highly maneuverable and versatile equipment that can address such challenges are available in the market. These machines have the capabilities to reach inaccessible areas to accomplish high capacity dredging, excavation and various other specialized functions. Machines that are amphibious in nature (can travel on land and water with same ease), would play a pivotal role in delivering the desired outcome within the current operational landscape.
As part of our innovative practices, we do research based field studies, creating avenues for awareness generation among governmental departments, bureaucrats, industries, civil societies and local people for seeking alternative solutions to solve the problem, we are also updating ourselves with technological interventions which are being used world-wide. We have partnered with varied local bodies and versatile global equipment suppliers like Dorotea Mekaniska AB (Sweden), Kelachandra Precision Engineers (Kerala), Pneuma (Italy), DAT (The Netherlands), Conver BV (The Netherlands), EIK Engineering (Malaysia) and Conbar (UK) as their Indian partner to accomplish our integrated lakes, waterways, dam reservoirs and canal management programme.
Projects Done:
” Cleaning and desilting of Parvathy Puthanar (Kovalam Akkulam reach), Thiruvananthapuram District, Kerala (Total Length 16.5 kms, Width 10m to 60m)
” Cleaning and desilting of Canoly Canal (Kallai to Eranjikkal reach), Kozhikkode District, Kerala (Total length – 11.5 kms, Width – 8m to 30m)
” Deweeding of Bellandur Lake, Bangalore
” Deweeding of Vellayani Lake, Trivandrum
” Grass Cutting in the slushy marsh land inside Cochin International Airport Limited (CIAL) Operational area
” Weed Cutting & Clearing of Chengal Thodu, Near CIAL, Kochi
” Harvesting of Pokkali from Paddy Fields from Ezhikkara, Ernakulam
” Weed Cutting and Clearing of Canal at Thottara Puncha, Amballur, Ernakulam